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tv   KTVU Morning News  FOX  September 13, 2012 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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es... [ chef ] ma'am [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. . growing prices in the middle east, and another u.s. embassy was attacked just hours ago. and al qaeda connection in the deadly attack in libya. and a man drives through somebody's backyard and almost ends up in a pool, we will tell you why the homeowner says the
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city is to blame. . this is ktvu channel 2 morning news. well, good morning to you, welcome to a brand-new day, it is thursday september 15thth, i am -- 13th, i am dave clark. it is going to be warmer and not much fog, up the temperatures go, 80s and 90s for some, and by the coast and bay 60s and 70s, here is sal. traffic looks good if you are driving from the high-rise no major problems to the high- rise. also this morning, we are looking at northbound commute getting to highway 280, that traffic is moving well with, let's go pack to the desk.
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a huge fire, lorraine blanco has more on this school, it serves the kids preschool through 8th grade so a number of students are affected today. >> reporter: that's right, pam, and the air is thick with smoke and it is getting more difficult to breathe. this is very much an active fire and flames are shooting out of what looks like a top of a trailer and they have been battling the fire from the ground and from the air. you can see there is a latter truck extending a latter into the sky and shooting water down onto the roof of that building. we are at beachwood school on terminal avenue. fire engines were called out. it was a fully involved fire at one point. firefighters had to fight that fire defensively. a little bit more about the
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school, this is a private nonprofit school run by the california foundation. they have housing for families in menlo park. the school has almost 170 students from pre-k to 8th grade as pam said and we are in the process of trying to get more information about how this fire got started. we are actually behind the building, across is some brush and there are fences all the way around this pulling so it is hard to get to where the information is and we were told there was a fire public information officer on the other side so as soon as we get done, we will drive over there and try to get whatever information we can and bring you more details on this fire. as you can see, this is an active fire scene and as you can see they are still trying to get this fire under control.
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lorraine blanco ktvu channel 2 morning news. in egypt there are protests happening now aimed at the american embassy in cairo. people there are angry because of an anti-islam film, a movie there, fires have been set, you can see them firing at the police and the armored vehicle and this is as we speak. police are firing back, there are warning shots and tear gas. we have not heard of any injuries yet but these are live pictures in egypt all of this following where protesters tore down an american flag and we will keep you posted on that. meanwhile in yep minute -- yemen demonstrators are also angry and they tore down the
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side of that building triers on fire and they also snatched down the american flag and set it on fire. concerns are rising because u.s. officials are worried because yemen is home to al qaeda's best branch. the u.s. consulate has been evacuated. the visa section opened up and he suddenly had problems breathing and felt a metallic taste in the mouth. we don't know what happened there but all of this is under investigation. the continued protests and attacks come after christopher stevens and three members of his staff were killed in libya. they are now looking into whether this was an attack to mark the september 11th anniversary. there are also reports the mob was triggered by the movie that
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is now being called anti-islam. president barack obama is working to find those responsible and said quote, justice will be done. and the attacks on the campaign trail, mitt romney is taking heat before knowing american lives were lost in libya. >> possibly they were wrong before knowing they had been breached in libya instead of condemning their actions. >> and more from our political fall out from the ongoing tensions in the middle east. san jose police are investigating a double stabbing. police rushed to 9th street at about 2:20, and there they found two people who had been stabbed. so far no suspects have been arrested. they believe a man who was
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killed. shots were fired near carlson. investigators think the body was a man who drove off after being shot after an attempted carjacking near carlson and ohio. we have exclusive video of a home in fremont. here is more on what is trust freighting the homeowner and he said it's happening way too many times and he wants the city to do something about it. >> reporter: there is a big curve in the roadway and you can see as folks come with their headlights. there are curves but it is poorly lit and last night a man crashed through the fence into somebody's backyard. now that man is fighting for his life. fremont police said he lost control of his car and slammed
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through the fence hitting a light pole and a tree. it took emergency crews to extricate him. this is the third time an accident like this happened at his spot. >> the city will not put up any guardrail at all. i spoke to them and they still have not done anything about it. >> reporter: he said he spoke to the city and they say he needs to pay for it. he continues the fight so that no more people end up hurt or dying. tara moriarty, ktvu channel 2 morning news. in just a couple of hours from now, a public memorial service will be held for kenyon young. they will escort him to napa
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valley and yesterday there was a private memorial in vallejo. there will be a motor came procession to the vacaville church. among the dignitaries expected, governor jerry brown. we will stream this live on and it will also be on our mobile and tablet apps. >> we do have a free app if you didn't know that. time now 6:08 let's go back to sal to check in on traffic. >> all right, dave, pam, if you are busy in all areas of the bay, it is getting busier, westbound is getting busier. not the fast track lanes. there is a stalled struck near the 880 split and hopefully that will be gone soon. let's look at the commute in
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oakland, traffic looks good here with no major problems getting through the downtown oakland area. i want to mention menlo park, palo alto area, a little bit of slow traffic. that fire we have been covering, it is now becoming a little lighter and the smoke is riding -- rising and it's having an affect and definitely people are slowing down in that area. let's go to steve. thank you sal. looks like a nice weather pattern and temperatures are cool for all. up in the sierra, like that it is gone and just a few high clouds, warmer conditions, no northeast winds and there is still an on shore breeze, what does that mean, steve? well, it means thick fog and they jump up about 8 degrees and 60 already, your morning for antioch and san jose,
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mountain view at moppet, 49 and 53. for some it is cool for others it is warm. delta breeze, 90s to the anterior, then you start heading west and 50s and 60s. a dome of high pressure is in the north which is bringing a ceasebly -- seasonably cold system to the north and it means a dry forecast up in the sierras and we'll see warm inland temperatures and we start a cool down sunday and monday. thick fog, -- thick fog, sunny for most, 80s and 90s, some mid- 90s up towards ukiah, clear lake, brentwood. but by the coast, not much change. not much change friday and saturday and a cool down kicks in on sunday.
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it is the worst yet to come or have the west nile virus peaked? plus why emergency responders is a call for help in an east park, it may have been a hoax. wgs3çy u:'g&:?o[)!
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. screams reported at the park may have been a hoax. they received calls about somebody screaming for help in the hills east of hayward and union city. a chp helicopter was called in to help with the search but crews did not find anybody in destroys. -- distress. now the deadly attack in libya is now a major issue but some are questioning whether it should be. jacqueline has the details in our washington d.c. bureau, jacqueline? >> reporter: good morning, flags are still at half staff at the capital this morning and prompting some to say it's just too soon for all the campaign rhetoric. president barack obama and mitt romney are taking jabs on the attack on christopher stevens. mitt romney accused the administration showing weakness of both u.s. embassy.
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they accused mitt romney of political attack. >> make no mistake, justice will be done. >> it is never too early for the united states government to condemn attacks on americans... >> reporter: president barack obama took one last jab on mitt romney telling his rival tends to shoot before he takes aim. mitt romney will be campaigning later today in new york. reporting live, ktvu channel 2 morning news. and back here in oakland three people were hurt in two separate shootings. both happened last night and two people were shot in the legs. this is about 9:00 last night. the second shooting happened in west oakland about 40 minutes later. a man was found wounded near
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the corner of 32nd and magnolia streets. no arrests have been made. they have just approved an across the board pay cut for employees. pay cuts of 2 to 5% means they will not have to lay off employees. 70 positions may be a eliminated -- eliminated through attrition and those pay cuts are expected to save the school $6 million a year. [crowd noise] >> well the chicago public teacher's strike is now 4 days old today. major issues include salary increases and teacher perm foremen eval -- performance evaluations based on test results. they are trying to work out an agreement but according to him, negotiators do not have the
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same sense of urgency as the teachers on the picket line do. they expect the number of cases to start falling with west nile virus. this year's west nile outbreak has been the most serious since we first learned about it. and take a look at the map, look at the boundaries for the area being sprayed. the fogging is scheduled between dusk and 11:00 p.m. the treatment comes after three dead birds tested -- birds tested positive for west mile virus this week. mayor jean quan is holding a benefit. it will be held for projects to rally sports fans to support oakland teams as part of her oakland loves it campaign and both the raiders an amounts
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play this -- a's play this week. the proposed $5.4 million project will be on front street right near the boardwalk. they voted unanimously early this morning after a very long debate. this deal comes with parking traffic and noise reducing conditions because some of the neighbors were concerned about that. right now it is almost 6:19, let's check back in with sal, what are you looking at sal? things are becoming more crowded dave and pam, the peak hour if you will, bay bridge starts getting busy and metering lights get switched on. they have cleared that stalled big-rig and along the skyway, that helped things out getting into the city. also the morning looks good on the san mateo bridge getting out to the high-rise and over
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to the peninsular. i do want to mention there may be some smoke visible because of a fire in menlo park. give yourself extra time driving because of a rubber necker distraction. 6:19 let's go to steve. we have some fog and for some it is chilly and foggy and it will be a quick warmup but by the coast there is a lot of fog. it's just sold out over there. visibility is reduced, 49 and almost 60 in fairfield. livermore, moffett 61, not much of a sea breeze but anything less than 10 it is assure sign it will be warm to hot. a big warmup, i still think 60s
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and 70s and there is a pattern change for us. it looks like a couple of days for worm are -- warmer weather, it will definitely be warmer inland and temperatures are july. up -- are jumping up compared to yesterday. highs will be anywhere from mid- 60s to mid-90s. not much change cooler sunday and monday, pam, dave? a new report was released and fewer homes foreclosed in august, nationally foreclosure gained 13% in august compared to august in last year and in california the number is down as well. signing a deal out for regional declines to sky west and it is part of their plan to cut bankruptcy -- bankruptcy
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protection. they reduced annual cuts and they hope to reduce a billion dollars in cuts. some are crawling, others are flying, what bart plans to do about pests starting today. and they could outlaw sodas, why the soft bring battle is still -- soft drink battle is still far from over.
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at bank of america, we're continuing to lend and invest in the people, businesses, and organizations that call the bay area home. whether it's helping a nonprofit provide safe, affordable housing within the city, supporting an organization that's helping kids find jobs and stay in school, or financing the expansion of a local company that's creating healthier workplaces, what's important to the people of the bay area
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is important to us. and we're proud to work with all those who are making our communities stronger. looks like it's going to start a so little um, but i uh...
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. welcome back, new york city is expected to approve a soda ban. they would prohibit the sale of drinks larger than 16 ounces. it would apply to public areas. and if approved they will likely sue. whole foods is suing a company because of tainted cheese. it is produced by forever cheese which was disputed -- distributed august 9th. four people have gotten sick including one person here in california. bart is trying to get rid of a pest problem.
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bart is going after rats and pigeon at -- page johns. -- pigeons and there is an infestation of rats at the mission area in san francisco. >> usually when nobody is looking they are down here, they definitely are. >> now bart says when ticket agents spot rats they call exterminator immediately. they plan to spend a million dollars to keep the birds and rats away. now bart's ridership is skyrocketing already. there have been as much as three times riders. and there were more than 415 riders on monday due in large part to the game.
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time now 6:26 we want to go back over to sal. hopefully there are no big problems for the commute, sal? no it was a small delay, trains were setback because of computer issues and it's just about cleared up and people who doesn't time the trains may not even notice. this morning's commute if you are noting, the drive looks good getting up to highway 17. if you are driving fremont and san jose, there is slowing on southbound 680 as you drive into fremont, let's go to steve. well, some dense fog and once it burns off it will be sunny and warmer and 60s and 70s and a few high clouds coming in from the southwest might put a signature in the sky. 60s for some, warm for hot cool for others. and protests continue in
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egypt and another u.s. embassy was attacked. we want to take you live to egypt where there is certainly a lot of activity and up next, we will have a response from the u.s. embassy and comments made to president barack obama. and we just got an update from a fire investigators and we will tell you why this fire has been quite a challenge. tropical storm isaac being blamed for jobless claims, we are going live to the new york stock exchange, the opening bell is up next. we support 1 in 200 jobs in the state. we support each other. and we spent over $450 million dollars with local small businesses last year. and, together, we can keep this... we're committed. ...the great state of california. committed to california. ♪
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. opening bell shows gas prices are up, and we will have more of the news coming up. we will smile and say good
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morning to you, it is thursday september 13th, i am dave clark. >> and i am pam cook, thank you for joining us. we have news from menlo park, beachwood school is on fire and it's a big fire. lorraine blanco is out there live to tell us about the firefighters and how they are having a hard time getting this fire under control. good morning lorraine. >> reporter: good morning, dave, we just spoke with the information officer and he said it was very difficult getting this fire under control. you can see behind me they are still fighting this fire. the flames are not as bad as they were when we last saw you but the fire is still coming from the top of the school and trailer. the main fire is in an administration building a and two other trailers are involved and they could be classrooms.
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it started 3:50 a.m. they got a call from a passersby who saw heavy smoke. firefighters have been fighting the fire and it is a big concern. we have a heavy fuel load that we are aware of around depending on how long the fire had been burning it definite lit set some challenges and when we had our operations going on, the roof was beginning to show signs of weakness so we pulled everybody off, the roof collapsed and it became a defensive fire from there. >> reporter: a little more about the school, it is a non for -- not for profit school. they have students from pre-k to 8th grade. because it happened at 3:00 a.m. there are no injuries and back out here live you can see a lot
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of water is coming from the roof of this building and it looks like the flames are a lot lower than they used to be. you see white smoke and black smoke coming out of the back of beechwood trailers and as soon as we have more information we will bring it to you. ktvu channel 2 morning news. we are also following the developing news in yemen where the president is apologizing for this morning's attack. nobody was seriously injured in the attack. he has ordered into this morning's incident when hundreds have stormed the embassy angry over what they call an american made anti- islam film. they took down the american flag and burned it. afghan president ahmed wali karzai is making changes to his schedule because of the determine oil over the movie.
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president car ahmed wali karzai -- president ahmed wali karzai was scheduled to meet but his trip is postponed for a later date and he needs to stay home because of what is happening in nearby countries. tuesday night's attack on the american consulate, all u.s. personnel are being evacuated from benghazi libya. the bodies of the four people killed will be sent to germany before they will be brought here to the united states. they have been serving in libya as an american ambassador since may. he was remembered by his fraternity brothers and he graduated from berkeley in
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1982, earlier we spoke to a resident who met with stevens just before he left for libya. >> there were four who lost their lives and that's a big loss to us. we are a very small organization and there are only 16,000 american diplomats and a loss of four is a big loss for all of us. >> now steven's mother is now preparing to fly to washington d.c. to wait for the arrival of her son. a female student was walking near the field when she was groped from behind yesterday afternoon. the school characterized the incident as sexual battery. now campus police released this description of the tacker. a hispanic male 5-foot 8 inches tall and he is described as having long black hair and at the time he was wearing white
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pants and a thick gold chain. there have been similar suspect descriptions in palo alto. a man who crashed his pickup truck into a family of four is now free. he didn't want to comment and you can see he also covered his face. police released him saying they are still investigating last weekend's crash and no charges have been filed. a 52-year-old barbara -- santa barbara woman was killed, her daughter remains in critical condition. law enforcement from across the state are expected to take park. claudine wong is at the vacaville couch where friends and family of officer kenyon
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will say their goodbyes. >> reporter: they are planning for as many as 5,000 and chp are already getting things ready. they tell me they can fit 2500 people inside that main auditorium and they have this building to the left which is the overflow building and then you see the outdoor patio. 700 chairs and they are planning for law enforcement to be standing for part of this service. red cross is making people stay hydrated and certainly the family is very private but the family also understands the need to mourning the loss of kenyon and they are invited to remember the man who gave his life in the line of duty.
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and he will be escorted in napa valley and there was a private memorial in napa valley. they will bring him to the mission church in vacaville. kenyon is being remembered as a man of faith and a man who loved his family. he leaves behind a wife and four children. he was with the chp for five years. after he donated his organs his family released a statement calling him their hero. his sacrifice and dedication to others will be remembered. the man who radiated joy and genuine care had will be mourned. governor jerry brown will speak as well as kenyon's paster will be live and speaking here, claudine wong ktvu channel 2
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morning news. we will stream this live and also our mobile app will have it as well for you to take part in that. all right, our commute is affected already and sal is watching what happened in livermore. >> that's right, it is a crash, westbound 580, it is up against the center divider but traffic is very slow. i want to move the maps to the right but you can see coming as far back as tracy coming into the interchange you need to give yourself extra time. if you get on the freeway from bun -- from dublin to caster valley you may want to take advantage of that area. this is a noninjury crash. union city fremont area, the traffic here looks okay from hayward to fremont and there is a little bit of slowing but nothing all that bad. let's go to live pictures now,
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bay bridge toll plaza moderately heavy and it's backed up for a 10 to 15 minute wait. driving on highway 4, it has been slow in antioch and pittsburgh but also slow in bay point. let's go to steve. for some there is plenty of fog but it is going to burn off quicker, you saw the bay bridge and some of that fog is very thick. high pressure is building intaking i have can of the tropical thunderstorms. a few coast and bay and it will be warmer inland and for some it is not much of a change. what i have noticed is the east bay takes the bunt. -- brunt. 60s to 90s and already san jose and mountain view, 49 and 53 in the city, there are some big differences, not much of a delta breeze anything less than 10, sure sign of anything
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sitting low-lying we had a couple of days ago, we will be out of the gate and there is just too much fog and it will drive a really cold system for the middle of the country nights and mornings, hot inland and warmer, anywhere from 90s. clear lake, 91 novato, richmond livermore, $70 alameda, -- 70s alameda, cupertino 82 mountain view 80 redwood city 88, a cooler pattern sunday and monday, pam, dave? a change strategy to find morgan hill teen sierra lemar. they are scaling back their
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weekly search efforts. we are live where a man smashes through somebody's backyard. we will find out why the city needs to do something more about the road. we are seeing some slowing and we will tell you more straight ahead.
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[ female announcer ] fortunately, sam was born at sutter health's alta bates summit medical center. [ woman ] the staff was remarkable. they made me feel safe, trusting, cared for. [ giggles ] they saved his life. i owe all of them my son.
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[ female announcer ] alta bates summit medical center and sutter health -- our story is you.
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. good morning, some very thick fog out there for some, upper 80s and mid-90s. all right, steve welcome back, here is a quick look at some of the top stories we are following, breaking news in meadow park, breaking news beachwood school on fire and it is a big one. firefighters are having a hard time putting it out. all of this started at 4:00 a.m. and look at those flames there. it is a private school run by the california family and again this is breaking news from meadow park, beachwood school and we are live on the scene. in the meantime two people were stabbed in san jose, 2:20 this morning police rushed to the area of 19th and julia. they found two victims, age 20 and 21, both were rushed to the
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hospital. so far no arrests have been made. and we are watching the middle east, look at these live pictures, violence and chaos outside the american egypt in cairo. also the american embassy in yemen was attacked by hundreds of people. all of this following an attack in libya where christopher stevens was killed along with three members of his staff. all of this fueled by controversy surrounding a movie that protesters are calling anti-islam. in overnight news, a man has been rushed to the hospital after crashing into somebody's backyard. it is an incredible scene and tara moriarty is there and this is not the first timing is like this happened in this man's yard. >> reporter: this is grimmer boulevard which backs up to the backyard where you can see a
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driver crashed. fremont police said the driver lost control of his car around 10:00 last night striking a light pole, a tree and then smashing through the fence. the car ended up in a backyard leaking oil and debris into a pool, a tree landed on top of the car and it took 25 minutes to pull that driver to safety. the homeowner say it is bound to happen again. >> i ran out, the man was moaning inside his car and here we go again, this is the 8th time it has happened and i have been here 49 years. >> reporter: now the homeowner asked the city to put in a guardrail and the city said he needs to pay for it. the driver was driven to the hospital with significant injuries and crews on the scene did not say if drugs or alcohol played a role in the accident.
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live in fremont, tara moriarty, ktvu channel 2 morning news. a change in strategy for the search for sierra lemar nearly six months after her disappearance. volunteers will no longer hold searches on wednesdays, however the regular searches on saturdays will expand. sierra lemar disappeared march 16th and antolin garcia-torres has been charged in the kidnap and murder. it will start in just about 15 minutes from now. we are live looking at the national cathedral. this is the outside of the cathedral where that special service will take place honoring neil armstrong. it will help current astronauts as well as government officials and they will be honoring the life of the first man to walk on the moon.
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neil armstrong passed away in cincinnati, and he was 82 years old. 6:48 back over to sal to check in on the commute, i just want to let you know, it is a good area to avoid the corner of 9th and julian for police activity. this is an area which is pretty busy and there is a lot of police activity there 9th and julian, so stay away from the area if you can. let's go to highway 4, westbound 4, that traffic is moving along well. it is backed up for about a 15 minutes delay no problems getting on to the bridge. we have been looking at the hayward commute that traffic is busy and i want to check out northbound 101 and we are seeing some slowing near 280. let's go to steve. some fog out there, san
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jose had some fog but it is a little bit lower, high pressure is building and inland temperatures will jump out towards the east bay again, concord and danville, i will tell you i have never seen a summer where the east bay tends to out run everybody else. thunderstorms in sierra nevada has eased up. inland i 0 not be surprised -- inland i would not be surprised to see a 4-degree jump. also in the city 55, not a strong sea breeze, delta breeze hovering around 10 and has been down to 6. we are battling temperatures around 60 degrees. by the coast 50s and 60s. high pressure way up will drive a cold system in the middle of the country.
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for us we cool down by the weekend so warmer for most stayed. 50s and 60s, danville all meet brentwood pretty hot to warm, 81 milpitas, cupertino 82, 60s on the coast 70s to low 70s palo alto and also mountain view. not much change friday and cooler across the board sunday and monday, pam, dave? they released another disappointing job's report. the storm disrupted work in nine states. that disappointing report may be more fuel for the federal reserve to jump start the economy and they ended a two day closed door meeting. some economists think they may
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launch a bond buying program and some believe it may spawn more spending and buying. >> they are not using banks and nearly 10 million households do not have a bank account and that's up from a million in 2009. consumers are relying on prepaid cards, pay day lawns and even pawnshops. residents have a new way to track where with crime is happening. it allows you to sign up for alerts. >> why a ban in san francisco could cost you more money, coming up.
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. time now 6:54, a man wants your help to solve this murder. she was walking home from a party this was early on the morning of september 12, 2010. there is a reward leading for any information leading to an arrest and conviction for that murder. and in may ward, see where
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crimes are happening -- hayward. where crimes are happening. stats go back six months and residents can sign up for daily alerts. right now that website is reporting 13 crimes which occurred earlier in the week including 6 car thefts, 2 burglaries and an is a salt. and firefighter is receiving the metal of valor. he saved a couple from a fire in chinatown on january 1st of last year. he carried them out of their burning home and is being presented the medical of on -- metal of honor. the large population of deer mice may be a factor in the outbreak of the hantavirus. as many as several deer mice were trapped compared to the same period in 2008. eight park visitors have been infected with the hantavirus.
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three have died and park officials believe food and weather may have contributed to that larger mice population. there is a new study showing sea otters may help slow down climate change. the reason? they like to eat sea creatures which kill the kelp on the floor and that removes carbon from the environment and this is now being studied for its environmental impact. the ruling clears the way for the city to begin enforcing the ban on october 1st. it allows businesses to charge customers 10 cents for each paper or compostable bag. let's check in with sal. what do you see? >> we see traffic that is getting busier all over the place. the tool plaza is backed up with a 20 minute delay and
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traffic is okay in san jose, a good area to avoid is 9th and julian near downtown for police activetive. inland fog near the east bay and inland areas will jump up and still 60s and 70s coast and bay and we'll see how long this inland temperatures will last. developing news out of the peninsular, a huge fire burning down a school, the new information from investigators. and an another -- and another u.s. american embassy was attacked hours ago. stay right here with us.
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